What color are your favorite ballet tights?
As a guy I usually wear black, but I have worn pink, and I would have to say that they are my favorite.
Ballet tights question?city opera
well in class DUH! i LOVE black. sometimes i think my dark side likes to surface while dancing with my black tights, black leo, black leg warmers, and black skirt. but not all the time.
ummmm but for other color tights besides black i ONLY wear european pink. which is basically white-ish. its more like an off white, or cream.
HA! im trying to describe the color of my dance tights.
Ballet tights question?performing shows opera theater
I haven't ever done the whole ballet tights scene or take ballet as a class either...So I guess I don't have an answer to this question...lol!
Umm, sorry, wrong room...
the best colour to see a sexy ballerina in is pink tights
- they look sexy; with or without the leotard (that has to be black)
for men i'd say the best colour is possibly black tights
- they look more masculine: with a white t-shirt
White for performances....the white color draws attention to your legs and their movement. For class/rehearsal - black (it doesn't show the dirt and sweat as badly).
WTF is up with the commnet on pink tights? I've been around ballet for 40 years and have NEVER EVER seen pink tights on a danseur - performances or class/rehearsal. Comments like yours make me think you some kind of troll....
Joachin, what he said.
I Cr 13;8a
As a guy you DONT wear tights in dance they wear tight pants duhhhh...
I've been dancing since I was 3. And for me, I love pink tights, they make the line with pointe shoes seamless. I like the tights with seams, they make the leg look longer. Overall, I think tights should match the shoe to elongate the leg and match the costume.
i like the tan/skin colored ones
Well..I like pink tights for myself, but black ones are probably the best for class.
i want the flippen p0ints
black is the most common,.but white could be preety for recitals too.
I like my pink tights. I think it looks more traditional w/ my black leotard.
pink or else skin colored. most studios require pink, so that really all i ever wear.
Ummmmm guys wear blak tights and white or black shirt.......wtf is with the pink tights thing??? i have never seen a guy where pink tights and i have been around dance all my life
if they aren't like new ballet pink tights then i d go for black tights just to be different
I also have taken dance class and usually wore balack tights with a white leotard. However I did find a nice pair of grey thights made by Danskin. Ttis was serveral years ago and they were a blue tinted grey and really looked nice and I thought they looked good on a man. I never wore them for a preformance but they lasted several years for class and even as long underware in winter under my dress clothes.
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